Harry Potter Fanfiction Fem Harry and Orion Black Time Travel

Title:Time to come'south Past (Graphics Version) – Chapters I – Six
Series:The Future Is My Past; The By Is My Future
Warnings/Notes:See Serial or Story pages for all warnings and notes.

Future's Past Main Page

Prologue Chapter One – 6 Chapter Seven – Twelve Epilogue

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Future's Past

Championship:Futurity's Past
Series:The Future Is My By; The By Is My Future
Fandom:Harry Potter
Pairings:fem!Harry Potter/Orion Black; others mentioned
Genre:Romance, Alternate Universe, Genderbent, Ever a Different Sex, Time Travel
Warnings:Genderbent, if that isn't your matter; catechism-level violence (which is pretty violent, let's exist existent here); character expiry (offscreen); adult language, seriously people I swear like a sailor and and then practise my characters; Paganism and non-traditional religious views (because let's exist honest, a society that went into hiding because of witch burnings is going to have a slightly different view on the Abrahamic faiths than, say, nigh of the Western Hemisphere)
Disclaimer:JK Rowling owns everything. Seriously. If you recognize information technology, it isn't mine and I am definitely non making whatever money off this work.

Summary:Her godfather is dead. And so is Tom Riddle, which appears to be the but thing anyone else cares about. Oh, and getting ahold of her, her money, and her titles. Fuck that noise. Ianthe learned how to maraud from the best, and she doesn't intend to take this lying down.

She intends to change a single moment in fourth dimension – and change the life of her godfather, herself, and the whole Wixen Globe. That the cost for that change is all that she is, including her life? At that place'southward ever a price.

Merlin showing up and telling her that the cost of her deportmentisn't her death? Not part of her calculations.

Prologue      Chapter One – Six      Chapter Vii – Twelve      Epilogue


New:A graphic version of Future's Past; this is image heavy and you may want to use a Reader View if y'all are using a tablet or mobile.

Prologue      Chapter One – 6      Chapter 7 – Twelve      Epilogue

Cast Pictures

Cast page 1
Cast page 2 cropped


Future Past Future Series Banner
Series: The Future Is My Past; The Past Is My Future
Fandom:Harry Potter
Pairing(s):fem!Harry Potter/Orion Black; others mentioned
Warnings:Canon-level violence; always-a-different sex or genderbend, if that isn't your affair; sex; character deaths (offscreen); time travel; canon-fuckage.

Summary:When Sirius Black escaped Azkaban, Ianthe Potter had no idea how much information technology would change her life. Her godfather was unwilling to leave her in the control of Dumbledore or at the mercy of the Ministry or the fickle public. It shouldn't have been a surprise that a Marauder would blackmail his way into a court appearance. Or get all up in Dumbledore's business. Or bring the wrath of the Wizard's Council and the ICW on the Ministry building.

It was definitely a surprise when, vi years later, Sirius Black died killing Tom Riddle, called Voldemort.

Ianthe has never been on the simply lay down and accept a wrong; to bow her head to circumstance. What was a piddling matter like changing history to Lady Ianthe Potter, the daughter and goddaughter of Marauders?

Irresolute the past is surprisingly easy. Living information technology might just exist harder. Especially when the lives she changed to save the future collide with the one she now lives, thirty years in the past.

Future's Past

Her godfather is dead. So is Tom Riddle, which appears to be the only thing anyone else cares nigh. Oh, and getting ahold of her, her coin, and her titles. Fuck that noise. Ianthe learned how to maraude from the best, and she doesn't intend to take this lying downwardly.

She intends to change a single moment in time – and change the life of her godfather, herself, and the whole Wixen World. That the price for that change is all that she is, including her life? There's ever a price.

Merlin showing upwards and telling her that the price of her deportmentisn't her expiry? Not part of her calculations. Proceed reading "The Future Is My Past"

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