training badminton single step by step youtube

It is not a foreign concept in sport that if you want to improve your game so doing drills is the only way to go merely sometimes a beginner gets bored by doing the same drill over and over so for of the beginner or even an intermediate actor I have written this ultimate badminton drills guide where you will discover 21 practice to better different attribute of your game

Proper noun of badminton drills nosotros are going to discuss

  • Box Game
  • Half-court vs full court
  • Three corners (drib shot)
  • Statics shots (for beginners)
  • two corners vs full court
  • Mutlishuttle(different variation)
  • Blast and follow upwards
  • Defense and net shot
  • Shadow (for footwork)
  • Diagonal feeding
  • Half-courtroom play (for kids and beginners)
  • two vs one
  • Feeding ( different variation)
  • Not playing in Box
  • Wall practice
  • Divide step drills
  • Defense practise
  • Knock out
  • One-half-courtroom feeding (for doubles)
  • Service drills
  • Reaction time drills

Let's hash out these drills one by one

Box Game badminton drills

In this drill, y'all are non allowed to hit shuttle exterior the reddish area as shown in the picture below

How to perform this drill

Play rallies regularly just similar a normal game just you are not allowed to hit shuttle outside the ruby surface area

If it lands exterior the read box so a point will be scored

Benefits of this drill

The purpose of this drills is to improve your drive game and defensive play because you are non allowed to play net area and backcourt the only selection for you will be drive and set on

This style you can improve your speed on the courtroom

Note:- You tin can also perform this drill in half-court, meaning that not playing in internet area and backcourt

Half-court Vs Full Court

This drill can be a lifesaver peculiarly when you practise not take any senior player in your university


As the proper noun suggests yous have to play total-court against a player who volition be playing half-court

You lot should return all shots of your opponent to his one-half-court whereas he can play anywhere on your court

Play 21 points match against your opponent and after 11 points inquire him to change his side of the court( from his correct side to left side)

Do good of this drill

You will be under pressure level nigh of the time and so it will help you in preparing for these situations in a real match

Also, it volition help you to learn the classic tactic in singles which is playing to opponent's one side and suddenly hitting a cross-shot

Three corners vs single corner

This is one of the classic singles drill and it can do wonders to you netplay


In this exercise, you lot volition be needing a person who will hit the shuttle to three corners in your court

Simply you should always hit the shuttle back to the feeder

Practise eight min of continuous practise and after that ask the feeder to stand on the left side of the side and do the same thing for 8 min

Some Benefits of doing this drill

Improve your shot accuracy and too help you to play consequent long rallies without getting tired

It will also amend your drop shots and overall netplay

Static shot hit ( For all shots)

This drill is more suitable for a beginner because here the main focus is to amend the shot quality while being in a comfy position

Process of performing this drill

And so as the name suggests in this drill you have to hit shots while beingness static(not implementing footwork) with a partner

Using a proper technique to do all types of shots, 1 at a fourth dimension

My routine

Give 5 minutes to each shot

Two corners vs Full Courtroom badminton drills

In this drill, y'all volition be needing 2-role player and a shuttle


Ask two players to stand on whatever two points in the courtroom and now you tin can only hit the shuttle to those two corners whereas those two players can striking the shuttle anywhere

'At that place are diverse variation you tin can do to go far more than effective

For example, if you lot want to improve your drop shot ask both to stand on both side of the net area or if you lot desire to improve clears and drib simultaneously do variation no. ii

Benefits of this drill

It will assist you to focus on two aspects of your game at the aforementioned time

It likewise helps in improving consequent shot-making quality

Tip:- Instead of doing this drill for a couple of minutes play a 21 indicate match with rules

  • Friction match will first from 21 and if those two-histrion scores a point then one point will be deducted their goal is to make your score 0 whereas if you score a point by there mistake and so one point will be added to the nowadays score

Mutishuttle (different variation)

This is the most followed drills in the earth and reason for it is there are so many variations you can practise with these drills

Some example

  • Just defense feeding
  • Only smash feeding
  • Frontcourt expanse feeding
  • Drive feeding and so on


Assemble as many shuttles as y'all tin whatever and tell the feeder what type of variation should be followed

In this movie I was practicing mixed variation it ways that in between feeder was irresolute the variation

Benefits of this drill

Due to the variety it provides, you lot can focus on more than aspects of your game at the fourth dimension multi-session

Smash and follow up

This drill is beneficial to amend you're follow upwardly and smash power


  1. Take 20 shuttles and ask the feeder to requite you lot shuttle to the place in the society which is mentioned in the flick below

Your task is to hit the nail and after hitting the smash feeder volition give the shuttle at point "2" and you have to do a internet kill and later on that go back to base position and repeat the process again

Benefits of this drill

Aid you in increasing smash power and your ability to transfer body weight forward to brand a net kill

Defence force and net shot feeding

This drill is washed with the help of a feeder


Here you will be doing the footwork of two-point first is defence force and after that net shot

Picket this video for more than clarity

Here you can run across that I am doing shadow for defense and after that feeder is giving me shuttle on the net for distill practice

Accept 20 shuttles and exercise this drill from both sides

Benefits of this drill

Improve your dribbles and defense force footwork at the same time

It will also help you to improve endurance

Shadow (for motion )

Information technology is one of the most essential drill to improve the footwork of a player and the best part about this drill is that you don't need any player or shuttle

simply a court and a racket and you are adept to go


In this exercise, you need to do the footwork for all the point in the same set (or for any particular points) with a racket in your hand

Do 24 point in a unmarried go and do 5 sets of this

The benefit of doing shadow drill

It is the best exercise to brush up your move and make information technology smoother and quick

Diagonal feeding

In this drill, you lot have to move diagonally on the court and accept to cover only two points


A histrion will stand near-net as shown in the picture and he will requite y'all shuttle on point 1 and your job is to hitting that shuttle back to him

After that, he will return that same shuttle to point ii and you have to return that shuttle to the same position where the feeder stands and this procedure will go along for equally long every bit someone makes a mistake

Do this practice for six min and later on that enquire the feeder to stand up on the left side of the aforementioned net area and do the same drill

Do good of this drill

I personally felt that this drill is very constructive if your diagonal footwork is slow

Half-court drill

This is another keen practise for beginners every bit the motility in this drill is not too complex


You lot will be needing a shuttle and a player to feed you shuttle

Inquire the feeder to give you shuttle first on bespeak 1 and your job is to hit that shuttle back to feeder and then he will give you same shuttle at point ii and you have to hitting information technology back to the feeder

Yous can do this drill for six min or more depending upon the stamina

Benefit of this drill

For a beginner, information technology can practice wonder to his drop shot and directly footwork speed

2 VS ane

This one is my favorite because it always challenges you to button the limit


As the name suggests you will be playing confronting 2 players at the aforementioned time merely like a normal match

It is your option how many points you want to play, I e'er play all-time of 3 sets (21 points)

Benefits of this exercise

  • Improve speed
  • Increase stamina
  • Improve ability to play under pressure
  • And what non

Feeding ( different variation)

I have already discussed some feeding drills but here are some more exercise in this genre

  • Defense force feeding
  • Internet shot static feeding
  • Smash static feeding
  • drive static feeding

Not playing in Box

Do you recollect the first drill we talked well-nigh well this is just the opposite of that


Just like a regular match play with an opponent but the twist is that you are only allowed to striking shuttle in the red expanse and any shuttle landing outside the ruby zone will be considered as OUT

You tin can play 21 points match or set timer for a single gear up, whichever suits the situation

Benefits of this drill

  • Improve the length of your shots peculiarly clear and lob
  • It is too helpful in preparation long smashes considering you will be hitting smash in the backcourt
  • Increase accurateness in your shots

Hitting against the wall

wall practice

Doing wall do on Sunday to warm upward my wrist

  • This exercise may seem challenging to most, but it'due south a great practise in one case y'all overcome the odds. Start off slow and make sure your racket is in front of you. Relax your grip, so y'all can switch to the forehand and backhand grip.
  • Recall to curve your knees (lower your body) for improve reflex and anticipation. And take the shots at the earliest signal.

This practice is very essential fifty-fifty top professional players yet do this exercise.

Benefits of doing this drill.

  • Increase reaction fourth dimension
  • quick motion of wrist
  • fast change of grip

Divide step drill

Divide footstep refers to a minor leap which a player makes before his opponent hits the shot

And it is very important to focus on this aspect of the game because it has a huge touch on on how smoothen you move on the court


This video has some interesting drill on split up step for beginners and kids

Defense and nail drill

2 players are required for this drill and a shuttle


Player 1 will smash at player ii and he volition cake then role player 1 will use his footwork to lift the block

Later on that, it is histrion 2 turns to hit the boom and thespian one will cake

This blazon of rally will go along until a thespian makes a mistake

Benefits of this drill

  • Improve defense
  • Amend speed of smash
  • Castor upwards your straight footwork

Knock out

It is non much of a drill but a blazon of game which y'all tin can play to make practice more interesting


Brand a squad of two player or more depending on the players present

Subsequently that i actor from each squad will play a point on the court and whoever wins the betoken volition stay on courtroom whereas the thespian who lost the point will commutation his position to his teammate

Now his teammate volition play a signal with the winning player

This process will continue for 15 points, whichever team scores xv points first will win

Half-courtroom drill for doubles

This drill focus on improving your reaction time and speed for doubles


In this exercise, two players volition on one side of the court and you volition be standing in half court on the other side

Afterward that, 21 betoken match will be played but the rule is that those two players cannot striking the shuttle outside the one-half-courtroom whereas you are allowed to hitting shuttle anywhere on the singles court

Benefits of this drill

  • Improve defense for doubles
  • Increment the ability to handle the force per unit area
  • More than awareness to detect gaps during rallies for winning points

Service drill

Service is the starting time shot played in badminton and if you lot don't have the ability to do a consequent service then information technology volition pressure on you from the starting time


Take a saucepan and identify information technology on one side of courtroom near the front service line

At present effort to hit y'all service into that bucket by you backhand serve

Reaction time drill

Badminton is the fastest noise sport where you become less than a second to react and if your reaction speed is tiresome then it tin greatly impact your operation but these drills help you to avert that


Drill 1:- Throw a ball with one hand against the wall and grab it with the other

It helps in improving hand-centre coordination and reaction fourth dimension

for more drills watch this video

Thanks for reading…

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