Tired of constantly irresolute social media algorithms and social media platforms pulling organic growth further and farther out of reach? You're not solitary! Organic marketing on social media can quickly become a time, money and energy-sucking exercise…. ain't nobody got time for that! Especially when your concern is growing. That's why we've collated 15 proven means to market and abound your business without relying on social media.

It's not that social media doesn't work. For well-nigh business owners, social media can be a great source of traffic and leads. It'south just that the free exposure and quantifiable results are inconsistent at best and keeping up with the constant changes is … well, time-consuming (to put information technology mildly).

These days, social media often just feels like an countless stream of posts from friends, family, and FB group members who will never buy your products or services. Not to mention the ever-irresolute algorithm making organic attain really hard to achieve every day…

Unless yous want to spend 12 hours a twenty-four hour period on social media:

  • posting new content every day
  • doing live videos
  • posting stories and reels daily (or multiple times a twenty-four hours)
  • spending time engaging with a lot of other accounts
  • finding great stickers and filters
  • continually doing hashtag research
  • posting in all the different groups you're in to stay agile and present
  • remembering to tag posts and stories
  • doing keyword research for your descriptions and tags
  • applying to join new group boards, groups, tribes, etc
  • effort to become shares, saves and tags from others

Personally, I've got other things to practice with my time – similar serving customers and growing the business organisation… and if you've landed hither on this article, y'all probably practise to!

Luckily at that place are alternative ways to market your concern online without spending hours on a ton of different social platforms every twenty-four hours. Alternative marketing options that cut back your time and endeavour on social media and still go results! #winwin

Merely showtime … You lot need a plan!

Before you jump the social media ship altogether, it would exist wise to accept a program in identify to know how you are notwithstanding going to promote your business, become leads and generate sales. So, showtime with a plan.

Because no affair what type of marketing you decide to do, yous must know:

  • Who your customers are
  • What they desire (solutions they seek)
  • Why they want it (electric current hurting points and outcomes they want)

Then, in one case you have this information at your fingertips, you can develop a marketing strategy to assist you reach your business goals.

As well, an important note – doing about annihilation consistently is more likely to be successful than changing tactics every couple of months. So, create a plan and stick to it long enough to determine if information technology really works for you or not.

A word about Content Marketing

Maybe you noticed that several of the methods we mention are correctly lumped under the Content Marketing umbrella.

You see, content marketing is our jam around hither, then it's no surprise nosotros've got a few tricks upwards our sleeve in that department.

But since a lot of different strategies are encompassed past the term "content marketing," we've pulled out a few specific tactics to proceed it actionable and straightforward for y'all.

Okay, with all that out of the fashion, are you lot ready to discover new ways to marketplace your business instead of social media then yous can finally reclaim some time and start seeing results?

Allow'south practice it.

fifteen Ways To Market Your Business Online (No Social Media Required)

The truth is, the world of marketing constantly changes and evolves. And that's especially true since business went online. Which ways it'southward more important than ever to stay upward-to-appointment on strategies that can help you lot reach your target audience.

That'southward why we've rounded upwards 15 different ways you tin marketplace your make online that don't involve social media. Hopefully, you'll exist able to notice something here that fits the bill for y'all.

(click any championship to jump to that section):

  1. Blogging Consistently
  2. SEO
  3. Guest Blogging
  4. Podcast
  5. Email Marketing
  6. Creating Courses Online
  7. Affiliate Marketing
  8. Google Advertising
  9. JV Partner Opportunities
  10. Sponsored Features in other people'southward emails
  11. Online Communities
  12. Forums & Discussions
  13. Business Directories
  14. Google Reviews
  15. Your Website Real Manor

#1: Blogging Consistently

Yes, blogging. Believe information technology or not, blogging consistently is one of the most proven methods to abound your pocket-size business online.

Considering if yous tin write content that informs, entertains, and inspires customers you can attract potential clients to come directly to you. How awesome is that?

Of course, learning to web log effectively does take a little time and effort. But, don't worry – we've got y'all covered. For a ton of resources on blogging and related content marketing strategies, check out our Ability of Content Marketing mail service hither.

And by the way (mini-bluster ahead) – don't forget to include a phone call to action (aka CTA) in every post. This is ane of the biggest mistakes we meet. Tons of content … no calls to activity. How will your audience know what to do next if you don't give them a hint?

Yous might accept noticed we mentioned "consistently" a couple of times. That's because a single post here and at that place isn't going to get the results you're looking for. So if you desire this to work, give it some priority and go on content rolling out on the regular.

It'due south likewise important to annotation that after you write your great posts, y'all also need to optimise them for search engines.

Because when y'all blog consistently and optimise each mail service for SEO keywords relevant to the topic or niche of your site, you'll proceeds visibility on search engines (similar Google or Bing). And here'southward the actually absurd part – the longer you do it and the more optimised posts you stack up, the more than search engines volition accept detect.

Which leads directly to our next thought to market your business …

#2 SEO – A Tried And Truthful Way To Abound Your Business

If you're not familiar, SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimisation. And it'southward all almost optimising your content and then that search engines can notice it and evidence it to the right people.

We listing it hither separately from blogging because SEO goes far across just blog posts. Ideally, every folio on your website should be optimised for search. And if y'all want to get really serious, there'southward some technical stuff involved, too.

But don't become overwhelmed by that – you can start now past optimising merely your weblog posts (and accost the rest afterward, if you decide to).

For successful SEO, you need good content on your website that ranks well for the words or phrases people actually utilise when they search online.

To make this work …

  • Understand what keywords are
  • Write about topics related to your business and include keywords in title tags, headings, subheadings, etc.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing
  • Grab some Blog SEO tips here

Then, after y'all've been blogging for a while, check your website analytics to encounter which content is working best. Use the information you find to improve your hereafter content and SEO results.

For lots more on how to be successful with SEO, check out our SEO Guide here.

#3 Find New Audiences With Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a dandy manner to connect with new audiences y'all might never otherwise notice. The key to making guest blogging piece of work for yous is to focus on websites relevant to your industry that aren't direct competitors – and share interesting content with them that will provide value for their audition.

Before you lot approach a web log to ask about a guest post, make sure you have a clear idea of what your ideas are for the web log postal service.

  • What can you provide that their ain content or other guest bloggers aren't providing?
  • How will your postal service assistance their readership or generate traffic to their site?
  • Is your content relevant to their audience? If not, keep looking for a better match.

It's common for guest bloggers (that would be you, in this scenario) to offering a freebie the host tin share with their audience – something similar an eBook, checklist, or another valuable resource.  If your business produces products, then consider giving out samples or a coupon code.

Another way to get in front of a fresh audience is to publish your content on LinkedIn Pulse or Medium.

These are both platforms with large followings that allow you to publish your content for gratuitous. To avert any duplicate content issues, wait at least a couple of weeks after yous publish a post on your own site before submitting it to platforms like these.

#iv Kickoff A Podcast

Past creating a podcast for your business and publishing consistently, you volition create familiarity with your audition. It'southward an amazing way to build the famous 'know, like, trust' factor.

Reverse to what you might recall, a podcast is often not every bit time-consuming to produce as some other forms of content, nor does it require expensive equipment. Podcasts are flexible in how often you publish new episodes so you don't have to worry about the pressure of producing a post every week.

Some benefits of using podcasts for your marketing efforts include:

  • growing your email list
  • tapping into another traffic source with better click rates
  • building credibility
  • becoming more memorable

#v Use E-mail Marketing

You lot might wonder how exactly electronic mail marketing helps yous market your business.

But email marketing is actually a powerful mode to connect with past customers and potential prospects. In fact, year after twelvemonth, statistics continue to evidence that email is a more constructive mode to learn customers than social media. So this is a technique that definitely deserves your attending.

First, empathise that email marketing and sending an occasional newsletter are non the aforementioned matter.  So before yous starting time shooting off random emails, accept a little fourth dimension to come up with a programme (at that place's that word again).

Some nuts of e-mail marketing include:

  • Creating lead magnets to attract subscribers to your list
  • Nurturing subscribers to become customers
  • Building a relationship with your subscribers
  • Using email marketing software to segment your audience into different groups so you tin can promote relevant offers or content that interests them
  • Regularly reviewing analytics to see what'due south working so you can better over fourth dimension (sensing a trend, here?)

To learn more about how to use email marketing to market your business organisation, check out our v E-mail Marketing Campaign Tips hither.

#six Create and Sell Online Courses On Learning Platforms

These days, in that location are a number of ways to sell courses online without a lot of tech headaches.

For instance, you lot can sign up for an online course platform (such equally Udemy, Skillshare, and others) and create a class on whatever topic you want.

The best part is the platform volition practice all the promotion for you lot. You just have to create the course content and set it up. They'll do the balance.

Information technology'south an like shooting fish in a barrel way to make it forepart of a large audience and start building a following for yourself. As an example, Udemy has over 12 1000000 students around the world. That ways your course tin can accomplish new audiences and assist build upwards your concern brand at the same time.

#7 Affiliate Marketing

In that location are ii sides to affiliate marketing – one is when you promote goods or services for another company. And the second is when yous get others to promote YOUR products or services.

Today, nosotros're talking most that 2d 1.

You can use affiliate marketing to grow your business organization by getting others to promote you to their audiences. Of class, they volition wait to exist compensated for any sales that come through because of their efforts.

Fortunately, there are a number of platforms yous tin use to gear up up an easy-to-manage chapter program for your business these days. Ane of our favourite platforms, Simplero, includes an affiliate program function as part of its comprehensive service. Give it a wait-see if y'all are interested in trying affiliate marketing out every bit a new way to marketplace your business.

#8 Joint Venture Partner Opportunities

The best kind of articulation venture partnerships ordinarily come about because i political party has some valuable content and the other party has an audition ready for that content.

But JVs can accept a lot of different forms – from one-time workshops to express-run collaboration to ongoing partnerships.

Check out this corking article for some examples of different ways you can apply joint ventures to build your business.

#ix Google Advertising

If yous want to get straight to the source, consider advert your business with Google Ads.

This is the opposite of organic marketing, where we try to concenter the right customers through content. Merely sometimes, it'south just quicker and easier to pay a few dollars to bring your audience directly to your door.

Google advertizement can be helpful in many means, and can positively impact your business.  And don't forget about Google Adwords' Remarketing service for targeting people who have visited your site but were not converted the offset fourth dimension.

Acquire more about Google Advertisement via their own page right hither.

#x Sponsored Features In Other People's Emails

Sponsored emails are sort of a blend of paid advertising and guest blogging. Basically, it'due south where you lot make an arrangement with someone who has a large and engaged email list relevant to your niche so that you lot can be featured in one or more of their emails.

Sometimes that means yous pay to be featured. Other times, it is a two-mode thing where you each characteristic the other in your emails. And I'grand certain, many other scenarios exist as well.

For a practiced overview of sponsored emails, take a look at this article.

#11 Online Communities

In today's social media-focused globe, it's easy to forget that there ARE other communities also Large Social.

Despite the ubiquity of those platforms that shall not exist named, there are still lots of other communities around the Internet. If yous can observe some that are relevant to your business, they tin be a viable place to connect and build relationships with potential customers. And possibly advertise, as well.

Here is a listing of notable agile virtual communities from Wikipedia to get you started. Merely I'm sure there are tons more than out at that place.

Another new community to explore is the "drop-in sound chat" app, Clubhouse. Although currently available via invite-merely, it is getting a lot of action right now. Take a look to run across if this new community platform is right for your business concern.

#12 Forums & Discussions

Forums are another holdover from pre-social media days. Back in the day, most websites with an active following would host their ain forum for customer support and community date. And some of them are still going potent.

Of course, there are some forums that are stand-solitary. A corking instance of this is Reddit, with over 234 million unique members.

You tin literally find a subReddit on practically any topic you tin recall of it. Once y'all notice a few subReddits that relate to your business, dive in and start engaging. Or, take a shortcut and advertise on Reddit.

Either way, this is a massive aureate mine of information for you to discover.

#thirteen Business Directories

Business directories used to be a bang-up way to get some eyeballs on your website. Over fourth dimension, they have become less constructive. Only they are even so some other way to go your name out there and beginning getting some traffic.

Before publishing your website on a directory, make sure your site does not incorporate any broken links or content. And also be aware of self-promotion rules for each platform.

A couple of tips to proceed in listen …

  • Submit simply i listing per service: Do not create indistinguishable listings in different categories as this will dilute search engine results.
  • Write keyword-rich descriptions about yourself and what yous offer

This article provides a prissy overview of how to use business organization directories plus thirteen directories you can start with.

#14 Google Reviews

Here's a listen-blowing statistic for yous – over 60% of customers check Google Reviews earlier they visit a business. Wow! That's because people desire social proof and reassurance that your business is legit, reliable, and right for them.

And so if you can build up some glowing reviews well-nigh your business on Google, it will near certainly drive traffic your mode.

The downside is that it tin be challenging to get your customers or clients to exit a review, even if they were very happy. But with some focused effort, you can encourage your customers to leave you a great review that may result in more than traffic down the road.

Go direct to the source here to learn more about using Google Reviews for your business.

#15 Your Own Website Real Estate

Don't forget virtually your own website when it comes to marketing your business.

If you are getting a decent amount of traffic merely not enough conversions, you may just need to update your website.

Whether it'due south a user-experience issue, broken links, slow performance, or but copy that'south too blah to get attending, something as simple as freshening upwardly your site might bring in more traffic than you expect.

Google has declared that folio experience is now ane of their primary ranking factors, then keeping your website upwards to appointment is well worth your time and endeavor.

Allow'south Epitomize – xv Means To Market Your Concern (Without Social Media)

  1. Blog Consistently
  2. SEO
  3. Guest Blogging
  4. Podcast
  5. Email Marketing
  6. Online Courses
  7. Affiliate Marketing
  8. Articulation Ventures
  9. Google Advertising
  10. Sponsored Emails
  11. Online Communities
  12. Forums & Discussions
  13. Business Directories
  14. Google Reviews
  15. Your Own Website

A Few Quick Ways To Generate Leads & Sales Without Social Media

Take your time, free energy, cognition and monetary investment and put information technology towards:

  1. PPC ads (Google, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) – you lot'll generate more than exposure, leads and sales much faster than going the organic route. Downside is, once you turn off the ads, the leads and sales slow, so having a few of the above mentioned options in play are great back-ups.
  2. Build your list – take part in summits, JV collaborations, online conferences, activate a lead capture website pop-up with something useful for the company (pb magnet or offering), create a special ecommerce offer with signup, create ballsy lead magnets and/or bite-sized digital offers. Use PPC ads to drive traffic to these events or offers to fill your list with potential buyers to ensure your advertizing spend goes farther and your ROAS is higher. Do ensure you have adequate nurture sequence or regular email broadcasts in place to take a atomic number 82 through to sale.
  3.  Get referrals – automate mail service-auction requests for feedback and online reviews (google/facebook), setup an affiliate program to take others promote your production/service for you, collaborate with a referral network, join referral networks/directories for your manufacture. For example: Digital Mums Directory, VA Directory, Virtually Yours, Clever Copywriting Directory, etc.

Marketing Your Concern Without Social Media

Maybe your business is not every bit social media savvy as y'all would similar, or you lot're just looking for a way to grow your make without the time-consuming commitment of maintaining an active social media presence.

Either way, the above listing of 15 tips will help you explore different ways to get exposure and increment sales with minimal time and effort on social media.

Let us know in the comments which non-social strategy is your favourite or if you have any hot tips that we missed! We'd love to hear if you try whatever of these ideas to market your concern without spending hours on social media.

Or, if you'd similar some assist creating a marketing plan (with or without social media), hitting u.s. up correct here. Nosotros'd love to lend a hand to help you lot grow.